
Tips and Suggestions

Page history last edited by Sarah Nichols 6 years, 7 months ago Saved with comment

Sometimes you have something you want to share but it doesn't quite fit anywhere else on this workspace.  This is an open page for community members to share tips and suggestions openly about everything and anything they want to share with the group as it relates to service coordination.  Members can add text to this page, upload documents or tools they use in their role as a service coordinator which can be linked directly to this page.  Please remember to mindful when you post and always respect your peers.  Email notifications documenting your posts will be sent to the other workspace members so please post responsibly. If you would like to become a member of this group please click here to send us a message with your name, email and CFC number. 



Click "edit" and add to add to this page.  Please remember to include your name and date when you post something and always start at the top of the page so information is posted in reverse chronological order.  Then remember to click "save" when finished.  If you need technical support with your post please visit our Need Technical Assistance page.


Tips & Suggestions


Graduation Certificate - Shared by CFC 21.docx - CFC 21 has found that families really enjoy celebrating success with a certificate (and a small bag of bubbles or something fun to celebrate) when their child exits early intervention.  They even have service coordinators and team members sign something for the family as a parting memory for them to keep with them (like a yearbook message).  Please feel free to download this certificate and adapt it as you see fit. 


Comments (2)

Amber Ortiz said

at 2:41 pm on Oct 3, 2017

The DaSy training modules are a useful tool for understanding the Child Outcomes process. They help explain the purpose of Child Outcomes, how they are used and the importance of accuracy. There is a movement in the state to relook at how Child Outcomes is being performed/facilitated and making sure that we are capturing accurate scores. These modules give examples, have activities and questions to help assist in the understanding of performing Child Outcomes effectively, smoothly and with integrity. Here is the link to register for these modules: https://learn.illinois.edu/enrol/index.php?id=14736

Sarah Nichols said

at 2:15 pm on Oct 9, 2017

Thanks Amber! I will add these to the Child Outcome topic page too!

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